The average rating of this app is near 5 stars from 5. Many people evaluated this app very well. Not depending on the quantity of free space on it, enjoy music. You can choose the conversion to 160, 190, 230, 320 kbps or save the original quality. Conversion to MP3 using Lame is supported to any quality you want. This application is able to convert music to MP3 format or download original audio from Spotify.Insert it to the special field in our application.Insert a link to the song or playlist to your clipboard.Our application can protect everyone from it in the future. You tried to play the audio track on Spotify but suddenly the Internet was lost? Have you faced this situation? We are sure, this unpleasant case was in everyone’s life. You are always able to download from Spotify the music and listen to them on every device no matter if a person is connected to the Network or not. A unique and powerful instrument for downloading audio tracks from Spotify fast and for free.